The negative impacts of climate change in Oregon is serious business. Whether or not climate change is affecting Oregon is no longer a question. Ask any native of Oregon and they can provide first-hand experience of the environmental changes they have witnessed. Sustainable and eco-friendly business have had an immense impact on the trajectory of Oregon as it endures climate change and it is essential that these businesses are properly marketed and supported by their community.
One of the most visible and obvious indicators of climate change in Oregon is the rise in temperature. The Oregonencyclopedia states that the average temperature in Oregon has increased by 2.2ºF (1.2ºC) since 1895, and if current global emission trends continue, Oregon will see an average temperature increase by 5ºF (2.8ºC) by 2050 and 8.2ºF (4.6ºC) by 2080. What does this mean for the rest of Oregon’s environment?
Anthropogenic climate change affects the timing, intensity, and the type of precipitation that Oregon receives. It is predicted that the entire state of Oregon will experience an increase in their total average annual precipitation. It is also expected for snowpack to decrease as increased average temperatures result in more rainfall.
Reduced snowpack also leads to warmer, drier summers. Ultimately, this results in an increase of wildfires throughout Oregon. During the summer and autumn of 2020, fires in Oregon’s wetlands and at the wildland-urban interface burned more than a million acres. This damage displaced thousands of people and created hazardous air quality throughout the Northwest.
Oregon is also a coastal state. Since global sea levels have been rising, Oregon faces increased risks with storm-surge flooding and coastal erosion along the shoreline. As the water temperatures increase, marine ecosystems are also disrupted.
As the state undergoes changes with water, air, precipitation patters, and runoff, habitat loss and other pressures on ecosystems become exacerbated. Climate change also exacerbates stressors within human social systems, like intensifying inequalities related to public health and housing.
Businesses that take pride in being sustainable and eco-friendly make an immense impact on the trajectory of climate change. Oregon has shown commitment to eco-friendly practices and has a vibrant community of sustainable businesses. Natural businesses of Oregon deserve proper marketing and support from their community so that they can continue making an impact on the environment. The beautiful state of Oregon must continue to flourish and we must strive to limit the environmental injustices that Oregonians face.
Howe, Josh. "Climate change in Oregon." OregonEncyclopedia. June 2, 2023,'s%20average%20temperature%20has%20increased,(4.6%C2%BAC)%20by%202080.